6th International Symposium Oriental Studies

9 The 6 th International Symposium on Oriental Ancient Documents Studies Safarali S homakhmadov Tangut Blockprints in Indian Siddha ṃ Script   78 Alla S izova A Preliminary Study of the Tibetan Manuscript on Birchbark from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS   81 S ong Gang The Many Faces of Our Lady: Early Chinese Texts and Images of the Virgin Mary   82 S un Bojun A Textual Research on the Xixia State Preceptor Chos-kyi seng-ge   83 S un Yingxin A Tangut Version of Wuliangshoujing 無量壽經 . . . . . . .  84 T akeuchi Yasunori Linguistic Characteristics of Khitan . . . . . . . . . . . .   85 John T ang Approaches to the Lexical Communications Between the Tangut and the Altaic Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   86 Dmitrii T cvetkov About Some Little-known Translations of Chinese Literature by Illarion K. Rossohin   87 Nikolay T elitsin On the Meaning of Some Rare Verb Forms in the Old Turkic Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   89 Anna T sendina , Rinchensambuugiin O tgonbaatar Publishing Xylographical Books in Urga (the 17 th – Beginning of the 20 th Centuries)   90 Khereid Jamsran U rangua Political Situation in Mongolia Before Separation From Qing Dynasty (Materials from the Russian Archive) . . . . . .  91 Vladimir U spenskiy The Mongolian Translation of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s Secret Visionary Autobiography   92 W ang Haibin Research on the Yi Language Materials and References   94